Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Komusta Ngay: Hello September!

Dear Friends,

            How are you all?  I do hope you’re all fine and smiling, because we have better weather these days.  Although we’ll still be expecting typhoons till late November, let’s pray they won’t be too destructive.  In any case, we’re in the hands of God.  He journeys with us; He cares; He loves us!

            In the past weeks, I’ve been running around places.  Besides my usual work at the Bishop’s House, meeting and talking with people who come there for some business, I drove down to Vigan for some three days of classes at the Seminary.  I was invited to attend a Convention of the Chinese-Filipino Apostolate by Bishop Jaucian at the San Lorenzo Ruiz Institute at Makati.  Last week, I joined our clergy in the annual “Panagkakabsat,” a gathering of priests from the Diocese of Baguio, the Apostolic Vicariate of Bontoc-Lagawe and the Apostolic Vicariate of Tabuk.  All these activities were tiring but gave me rich experiences and a meaningful priestly life!

            You must all be busy too.  Let’s us keep close to Jesus, spending some minutes each day “resting in Him.”  A good opportunity is a visit to the Risen Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament in our Catholic churches.  “Cast your cares upon the Lord, and he will sustain you!”

                                                                             Fr. Andy Cosalan
                                                                             September 10, 2012 

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