Saturday, September 22, 2012

Igorotak: Culture and the Gospel

            Young Igorots today may not be aware that our ancestors practised slavery.  It was only upon the arrival of the Americans to the Cordillera highlands in the early 1900’s that the practice was abolished.  All slaves were then set free. 

          Among the Ibaloys of Benguet, the rich and influential families kept slaves who did the menial jobs for them.  These slaves were sold to them by traders who kidnapped boys or girls coming from other tribes in the Cordilleras.  These slaves were not usually treated well.  An old Ibaloy testified that when he was a boy, he saw a man beating his slave with a wooden club so badly that the slave became unconscious.  The man showed no remorse for his deed.  It was not unusual then that slaves often ran away from their owners.

          Slavery was not a good aspect of the old Igorot culture.  While we highlight the good aspects in our culture, let us not deny that there were bad ones too.  These ones needed to be removed or changed.  We need to keep in mind that human culture is not perfect, and so it needs a constant purification in order to express the best in people! 

          For us Christians, culture is purified by the Gospel.  Jesus taught us that God is the loving Father of all, and that we ought to love one another as he has loved us.  Jesus witnessed to the value of each person by giving his life for each one of us.  Anything then in our culture that falls short of this Gospel truth need to be purified!

          If we have discerned the good and bad aspects in the old Igorot culture, we need to do the same today.  In the contemporary culture we are immersed, what is in consonance with the Gospel and what is not?  We must continuously discern, purifying today’s culture and aligning it with the Gospel!       

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