Tuesday, December 18, 2012

RH Bill Approved

No Place in the Inn

It was really disappointing – the approval of the RH Bill on second reading at the House of Representatives! In any case, its passage does not change the fact that it’s an anti-life bill, noting several of its provisions, and those who approved it, knowingly or unknowingly, are anti-life. We thank the 104 lawmakers who stood by us.

It had been a long struggle. We have held several symposia, conferences, and prayer rallies to make people understand the issue in the light of Gospel-values. We had to bear with the attacks of politicians and the media against the Church, her faith and the clergy. One touching experience here in Baguio was a rally one stormy day last September. I expected only a handful to be present, but a lot of people turned out, braving the rain, the wind and the cold, enough to fill the Cathedral for the Holy Mass. How little faith I had!

Well, we won’t give up the struggle. How can we? We can’t lie. We have to stand for the truth! We have to preach in and out of season. Contraception is intrinsically evil and opens the door to abortion and the culture of death. We have enough evidence to substantiate this claim. On the other hand, RH Bill proponents claim they aim to improve the life of the poor and women. The truth, considering the reasoning and pressure of international governments and groups, is that the RH Bill discriminates the poor and women. The poor are seen by these people as eyesores to be eliminated and women, playthings to be used.

In the Christmas story, remember Joseph and Mary looking for a decent place for Jesus to be born in Bethlehem. There was no place for them in the inn, so they had to be content with a manger. Just imagine the anxiety, humiliation, and difficulties of Joseph and Mary. Yet, we could also sense their trust in God who brings light out of darkness, good out of evil, victory out of defeat. (God’s ways and criteria are so different from man). On the lowly manger was laid the Savior of the world!

Last Wednesday, Dec. 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, many Catholics in Baguio and in the whole country held prayer vigils, Holy Masses and rosary rallies. (The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is considered throughout the Catholic world as a symbol of “openness to life.) For sure, all these prayers and sacrifices will not be in vain! At the moment, we feel like Joseph and Mary, anxious, humiliated, and tested in our faith. There is “no place for us in the inn,” that is, the values we stand for are rejected. We have then to be satisfied with a manger; that is, trusting in God’s mysterious ways. Then, we will see!

Let’s continue praying and making sacrifices. We continue witnessing to the “culture of life.” We continue reaching out to the poor and suffering, especially now to our fellow Filipinos in Mindanao. They are still suffering from the effects of Typhoon Pablo. May this Christmas season strengthen our faith!

Baguio Midland Courier 
December 16, 2012

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